10 Private Search Engines That Don’t Track You

Private Search Engines That Don’t Track You: Google, Bing, and Yahoo are the most popular search engines (Most people use only Google). But, these popular search engines track its user’s activities and search queries. Though, these search engines track its user’s activities for better search results and ads. But, privacy is the main and important issue on the internet, whether you are using search engine sites or any social media sites.

There are many private search engines available that doesn’t track your search activities. So, If you are worried about your privacy, then, you can use private search engines.

Most search engines track your search queries, location, an IP address. But, private/anonymous search engines don’t track your searches. So, you can search anything without worrying about your privacy. Below is the list of anonymous search engines.


1. DuckDuckGo

duckduckgo logo private search engines

DuckDuckGo is the most popular private and anonymous search engine. That’s why we listed this on a number one position in the list. DuckDuckGo doesn’t track its user’s activities. It also doesn’t store your personal information. The search results are different than Google because it has its own algorithm.

You can also search inside any popular website with its Bang! feature. For example, if you want to search inside any popular website like Wikipedia, Amazon, IMDB, eBay, Stackoverflow, Facebook, and Twitter, then, open www.duckduckgo.com/bang and type “!”  (without quotes) in the search query. You will see the list of popular websites. After that, Select any website to directly search inside the website.

Another useful feature provided by DuckDuckGo is, you can turn off and on ads. There are a lot more features also available like instant answers, customizable interface, font sizes and color. It also provides 6 themes.

2. StartPage

StartPage Private Search Engine


No doubt, Google search results are better than any other search engine. So, if you like Google results, then, this search engine is for you. You can get the Google search results with privacy protection. It shows the Google search results without tracking you. All search results go through its proxy server. So, Google can’t track you. You can search any query without tracking your IP address.

The search results may differ from Google search results because Google search results are based on user behavior. When you search with Startpage, it removes all your private information from a query and submits it to Google with its proxy server. After that, it shows the search results from Google without tracking your IP address. Like a DuckDuckGo, you are also able to change the theme of a homepage.

It also provides the option to open any site anonymously from search results with Ixquick proxy. Click on the Proxy link from the results. SO, you can surf any website anonymously.

3. Disconnect Search

Disconnect Search

Disconnect search engines give the search results from DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, and Bing. If you select DuckDuckGo while searching any query, then, the search query directly goes through DuckDuckGo rather than its proxy server. Because DuckDuckGo is also an anonymous search engine.

Note: Now all Disconnect Search queries go through DuckDuckGo.

4. Yippy

Yippy Private Search Engine

Yippy is another great search engine that doesn’t track its users. It also allows us to search query in different categories. Yippy uses the popular search engines results and gives the best quality result.

Yippy provides the preview option in its search results. With this option, you can view the website content without clicking on the search result.

5. Privatelee

Privatelee search engine

As its name, it is a private search engine. It gives the search results from other search engines. But, it doesn’t track you.

PowerSearch is a great feature in a Privatelee search engine. With this feature, you can better results according to your requirements. With Privatelee Powersearch Shortcuts, you can get the results from Google, Bing, and ask. Privatelee also allows filtering the search results from YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, IMDB, Netflix, Weather, and maps.

6. Hulbee

Hulbee Anonymous web search

  • Link: https://hulbee.com/
  • Alexa Traffic Rank: 331,931*
  • Slogan: Anonymous Web-Search (100% anonymous search engine)

Hulbee also doesn’t track users activities and all search queries/results are encrypted. Basically, Hulbee is a software technology company in Switzerland. The search results are also safe for children.

When you search any query in Hulbee, it shows the related keywords in the left to find better results. You are also able to search for images, videos, shopping, and music.

7. Ixquick

StartPage Private Search Engine

Ixquick is a parent company of Startpage. Startpage gives the search results from Google. But, Ixquick gives the search results from more search engines including Google. The design and features are same on both Startpage and Ixquick. You can also open any site from search result with Ixquick proxy.

8. Lokol

lokul anonymous search engine

It uses the Google custom search. The search results are similar to the Google search results. All search queries and results go through its proxy server. Google doesn’t know who is the actual user. So, Google can’t track you.

If you love Google search results, then you can use Lukol to search any query anonymously.

9. WolframAlpha


WolframAlpha is a computational search engine. It only gives the computable answers in its search results. WolframAlpha is also a private search engine and it doesn’t track you.

10. MyPrivateSearch

My Private Search Engine

MyPrivateSearch is a search engine with no tracking policy. It has a clean design with an easy and safe search option. You can get the search results from Google or Bing.

MyPrivateSearch is easy to use with its simple and clean design.


So, guys, these are the top 10 Private Search Engines. If you are worried about your privacy, then you can use any search engine from this list. But, DuckDuckGo is a most popular search engine in this category. With no tracking policy, these search engines allow us to search anonymously.

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