Do you want to disable Microsoft Edge InPrivate browsing mode in Windows 11/10 and MacOS? InPrivate browsing mode is a great feature for privacy because it allows us
Do you want to reset Google Chrome Settings to default on PC (Windows and Mac) and Android? Sometimes you might have changed the chrome settings accidentally or settings
Do you want to know how to enable WebGL in the Mozilla Firefox browser? If yes, then you’re on the right page. The WebGL (Web Graphics Library) service
Do you want to know how to enable and disable WebGL in the Chrome browser? All modern browsers support WebGL (Web Graphics Library). Now, this functionality is enabled
Do you want to turn off Google Lens in Chrome browser to use the classic reverse image search option? Recently, Google Chrome integrated with Google Lens and it
Do you want to remove or change the background image from Google Chrome browser? Google Chrome supports customizations. You can change its theme color and the background and
Do you want to download YouTube shorts for WhatsApp status? Sometimes, you may find the video on YouTube Shorts that you want to share on your WhatsApp Status.